
Unpacking Your 澳门威尼斯人游戏

Remove the plastic bag and twist tie around the roots, then carefully separate and untangle your trees. Soak the roots in water for 3–6 hours to keep them hydrated. Be careful not to let the roots dry out.

Use the identification sheet to match each tree with its bark ID color and find additional details. Can’t find that sheet? You can download it 在这里.

Your trees will arrive dormant, or asleep. They may look dead, but don’t worry. A tiny scratch in the bark should reveal a living layer of green.


种植 Your 澳门威尼斯人游戏

Choose w在这里 you want to plant. Think about how large your tree will grow and avoid obstacles like sidewalks and power lines.

Dig a hole wider than seems necessary and as deep as the root collar (w在这里 the roots meet the trunk of the tree).

Place your tree in the hole, positioning the roots to grow out, not down. Fill the hole, keeping the root collar at ground level. Don’t use any fertilizer or soil amendments.

Spread mulch in a 3-foot diameter area around the base of the tree without touching the trunk. Think doughnut, not volcano.


Caring for Your 澳门威尼斯人游戏

Keep the soil around your trees moist but not soggy. During dry weather, generously water trees every 7 to 10 days during the first year. Water slowly so you don't flood your tree.

Do not use fertilizer, potting soil, or chemicals, as they can harm young trees.

We recommend using a tree shelter or fence (such as chicken wire) if wildlife frequent the area. See more tree planting and care tips 在这里.

Frequently Asked


  • How do I know if my trees are alive?

  • Why is t在这里 no soil around the roots of the trees?

  • It’s December. Can I really still plant my trees?

Still have questions?

If you need additional support, please reach out to us through our 触点形式 or call toll free: 888-448-7337.